5:30am到了KLIA。告示板上亮着, kathmandu:cancelled。
到柜台, 被告知7:00am再倒回来。
最终确定班机取消, 改到星期二。
不敢相信, 还有这种到了机场才被知会班机取消的事发生。
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
IdN。pg038--042。creators' ID: Carrie chau

How would u elaborate the differences between an artist and a designer?
Carrie chau:
A designer usually work to achieve a predetermined goal, so during their design process they have to consider many factors, such as other people’s opinions, commercial factor, etc. they therefore need to overcome many obstacles, which make it challenging. An artist, on the other hand, can create something freely and use their personal point of view to express their thoughts and feelings towards the world and the things happening around them, so they can be creative as they want to be.
I consider myself to be a little bit of both. I draw for my own pleasure and I have also done some commercial work along the way. I have often been asked this question and it has got me wondering whether there really is all that much difference between the two. They both share the same passion for creativity, after all.
How would u elaborate the differences between an artist and a designer?
Carrie chau:
A designer usually work to achieve a predetermined goal, so during their design process they have to consider many factors, such as other people’s opinions, commercial factor, etc. they therefore need to overcome many obstacles, which make it challenging. An artist, on the other hand, can create something freely and use their personal point of view to express their thoughts and feelings towards the world and the things happening around them, so they can be creative as they want to be.
I consider myself to be a little bit of both. I draw for my own pleasure and I have also done some commercial work along the way. I have often been asked this question and it has got me wondering whether there really is all that much difference between the two. They both share the same passion for creativity, after all.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Pourquoi les poules pondent des oeufs ? Pour que les oeufs fassent des poules
Pourquoi les amoureux s'embrassent ? C'est pour que les pigeons roucoulent
Pourquoi les jolies fleurs se fanent ? Parce que ç a fait partie du charme
Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu ? C'est pour faire parler les curieux
Pourquoi le feu brule le bois ? C'est pour bien rechauffer nos coeurs or
Pourquoi la mer se retire ? C'est pour qu'on lui dise "Encore"
Pourquoi le soleil disparait ? Pour l'autre partie du decor
Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu ? C'est pour faire parler les curieux
Pourquoi le loup mange l'agneau ? Parce qu'il faut bien se nourrir
Pourquoi le lievre et la tortue ? Parce que rien ne sert de courir
Pourquoi les anges ont-ils des ailes ? Pour nous faire croire au Pere Noel
Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu ? C'est pour faire parler les curieux
ça t'a plu, le petit voyage ? Ah oui, beaucoup
On a vu de belles choses, hein ? J'aurais bien voulu voir des sauterelles
Sauve-toi! Pourquoi des sauterelles ? Et des libellules aussi !
A la prochaine fois, d'accord
D'accord !
Je peux te demander quelque chose ?
Quoi encore ?
on continue mais cette fois-ci c'est toi qui chantes
Pas question
Tu te pleures
Non,non, mais non
Alors, c'est le dernier couplet
Tu ne crois pas que tu pousses un peu le bouchon ?
Pourquoi notre coeur fait tic-tac ? Parce que la pluie fait flic flac
Pourquoi le temps passe si vite ? Parce que le vent lui rend visite
Pourquoi tu me prends par la main ? Parce qu'avec toi je suis bien
Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu ? C'est pour faire parler les curieux
Pourquoi les poules pondent des oeufs ? Pour que les oeufs fassent des poules
Pourquoi les amoureux s'embrassent ? C'est pour que les pigeons roucoulent
Pourquoi les jolies fleurs se fanent ? Parce que ç a fait partie du charme
Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu ? C'est pour faire parler les curieux
Pourquoi le feu brule le bois ? C'est pour bien rechauffer nos coeurs or
Pourquoi la mer se retire ? C'est pour qu'on lui dise "Encore"
Pourquoi le soleil disparait ? Pour l'autre partie du decor
Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu ? C'est pour faire parler les curieux
Pourquoi le loup mange l'agneau ? Parce qu'il faut bien se nourrir
Pourquoi le lievre et la tortue ? Parce que rien ne sert de courir
Pourquoi les anges ont-ils des ailes ? Pour nous faire croire au Pere Noel
Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu ? C'est pour faire parler les curieux
ça t'a plu, le petit voyage ? Ah oui, beaucoup
On a vu de belles choses, hein ? J'aurais bien voulu voir des sauterelles
Sauve-toi! Pourquoi des sauterelles ? Et des libellules aussi !
A la prochaine fois, d'accord
D'accord !
Je peux te demander quelque chose ?
Quoi encore ?
on continue mais cette fois-ci c'est toi qui chantes
Pas question
Tu te pleures
Non,non, mais non
Alors, c'est le dernier couplet
Tu ne crois pas que tu pousses un peu le bouchon ?
Pourquoi notre coeur fait tic-tac ? Parce que la pluie fait flic flac
Pourquoi le temps passe si vite ? Parce que le vent lui rend visite
Pourquoi tu me prends par la main ? Parce qu'avec toi je suis bien
Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu ? C'est pour faire parler les curieux
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

12日。四川省。7.8 级强烈地震。
- 四川绵阳市北川县12日有7千多人死亡;
- 重灾区汶川的80%建筑物倒塌,汶川县依然通讯、交通中断,人员伤亡数字尚无法得知;
- 四川灾区多处学校教学楼倒塌,大批学生被压埋,人数不详。仅都江堰市聚源镇至今已有数百名学生在是次地震死亡。聚源镇中学一校舍倒塌 ,九百名师生被活埋,当中大部分已罹难 。
- 一辆川A50860载有35人的大客车在茂县境内被泥石流掩埋,车上35人全部遇难。
- 四川什邡市两个化工厂厂区数百人被埋,80余吨液氨泄漏;
- 甘肃、陕西、云南、湖北等省份已经共有数百人伤亡。
Monday, May 12, 2008
Report of Myanmar Prior to Calamity 12 May 2008
- We have mobilized our national coworkers from other parts of Myanmar to relief the immediate team. With the increase of manpower, each township will have a team to visit them regularly to distribute rice, bring comfort and share.
- The provision of rice will continue for at least a month for 750 families. The estimated cost is US$27,000.
- To provide building materials for 750 homes. Each home estimated costing is US$200 – US$500. Our national coworkers will coordinate on the provision of the building materials needed.
Please continue to pray with us to uphold our frontline coworkers tending to the immediate needs to the victims:
- Pray for godly wisdom and strength as the national coworkers minister to the people.
- Pray for God’s protection to be upon our coworkers and the victims from infectious diseases and viruses.
- Pray for the people to open their hearts and also the follow-up.
- Pray for the Lord to soften the hearts of the military government to open its door for aids and relief to the victims.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
martina mcBride / anyway
- you can spend your whole life building something from nothing
one storm can come and blow it all away
build it anyway
you can chase a dream that seems so out of reach
and you know it might not ever come your way
dream it anyway - this world's gone crazy and it's hard to believe
that tomorrow will be better than today
believe it anyway
you can love someone with all your heart, for all the right reasons,
and in a moment they can choose to walk away
love 'em anyway
God is great, but sometimes life ain't good
and when i pray it doesn't always turn out like i think it should
but i do it anyway, i do it anyway
you can pour your soul out singing a song you believe in
that tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang
sing it anyway, sing it anyway
i sing, i dream, i love, anyway...
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Cyclone Nargis / Wikipedia
Cyclone Nargis (also known as Very Severe Cyclonic Storm Nargis) was a strong tropical cyclone that made landfall in Myanmar on May 2, 2008, causing catastrophic destruction and at least 22,980 fatalities with a further 42,119 people still missing, and estimates on the final total of fatalities ranging up to 100,000.
It is the deadliest named cyclone in the North Indian Ocean Basin, as well as the second deadliest named cyclone of all time, behind Typhoon Nina. Including unnamed storms, Nargis is the 12th deadliest cyclone of all time.
Nargis was the first tropical cyclone to strike the country since Cyclone Mala made landfall in 2006.
The first named storm of the 2008 North Indian Ocean cyclone season, Nargis developed on April 27 in the central Bay of Bengal. Initially it tracked slowly northwestward and, encountering favorable conditions, it quickly strengthened. Dry air weakened the cyclone on April 29, though after beginning a steady eastward motion Nargis rapidly intensified to attain peak winds of at least 165 km/h (105 mph) on May 2; the Joint Typhoon Warning Center assessed peak winds of 215 km/h (135 mph).
The cyclone moved ashore in the Ayeyarwady Division of Myanmar near peak intensity and, after passing near the major city of Yangon, the storm gradually weakened until dissipating near the border of Myanmar and Thailand.
Cyclone Nargis (also known as Very Severe Cyclonic Storm Nargis) was a strong tropical cyclone that made landfall in Myanmar on May 2, 2008, causing catastrophic destruction and at least 22,980 fatalities with a further 42,119 people still missing, and estimates on the final total of fatalities ranging up to 100,000.
It is the deadliest named cyclone in the North Indian Ocean Basin, as well as the second deadliest named cyclone of all time, behind Typhoon Nina. Including unnamed storms, Nargis is the 12th deadliest cyclone of all time.
Nargis was the first tropical cyclone to strike the country since Cyclone Mala made landfall in 2006.
The first named storm of the 2008 North Indian Ocean cyclone season, Nargis developed on April 27 in the central Bay of Bengal. Initially it tracked slowly northwestward and, encountering favorable conditions, it quickly strengthened. Dry air weakened the cyclone on April 29, though after beginning a steady eastward motion Nargis rapidly intensified to attain peak winds of at least 165 km/h (105 mph) on May 2; the Joint Typhoon Warning Center assessed peak winds of 215 km/h (135 mph).
The cyclone moved ashore in the Ayeyarwady Division of Myanmar near peak intensity and, after passing near the major city of Yangon, the storm gradually weakened until dissipating near the border of Myanmar and Thailand.

located on the lower southeast arm of the Ayeyarwady delta.
The cyclone that hit Myanmar at the weekend
destroyed 95% of the homes in the city of Bogalay.
A major in the Myarmanese army
told an Ayeyarwady correspondent on Thursday
that 50,000 residents died in the town.
An army helicopter arrived on Thursday
and evacuated some residents.
The town is without safe drinking water, food and medicine.
UN and other relief officials said the first humanitarian aid
was starting to trickle into Yangoon
and could start reaching the largest towns in the delta
in the coming days.
Thursday, May 8, 2008

The division has an area of 13,566 sq-miles.
The population is 6,663,000 persons,
making it the most populous of Myanmar’s states and divisions.
The average population density per sq mile is 466 persons.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008


i love broccoli。
i could eat broccoli every day and not get tired of it。
just about any way to cook it is fine with me。
my only recipe:
my only recipe:
cut the broccoli into bite-sized pieces,
mix a teaspoon of cooking oil, steam it, that’s all。
once in a while add some minced garlic probably。
Monday, May 5, 2008
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